
10 F e 10 L

info-logo_thumb[3] Foram enviadas, pelo email da escola, 6 páginas do “New Frontiers 1”. Por favor, imprimam e levem para a aula.

(Serve para os casos em que os alunos prevejam não ter ainda os manuais de Inglês na terça-feira próxima, dia 27 de Setembro de 2011).


10 A1

writing-letter1_thumb[8] Diagnostic test key file


I. A.    1.T; 2. NM; 3. F; 4. T

   B.    a, a, b, a, a

II. A.   c, c, a, b, c

    B. her; in; have/take/eat; a; like/want/need; was; that/go; job; a; the/this/my/etc

    C. washes; won; wasn’t; was driving; can’t; don’t try; has moved; has been playing; hearing; would not go; will be; won’t bother; do you sleep; did you do/were you doing

    D. no pronoun is necessary; who; which; whose

III. text production (personal)


10A1, 10F, 10L

SorrisoThere’s a representative blog where the students’ best productions can be shared. Write something interesting and original and you risk seeing it published here.


To 10A1, 10F and 10L students…

new_yearHi! I’d like to welcome all of you in this very beginning of the new school year. I hope everyone is intending to do his best. If you do so, I assure you will be successful in the end…

Have a fantastic new school year. Enjoy.

(Image from here)