Por ter sido criticado por parte de alunos e encarregados de educação de algumas turmas do 7º ano, este espaço encerra aqui o serviço a que se destinou, isto é, proporcionar um apoio sistemático àqueles alunos. Continuará, no entanto e até nova ordem, a servir as turmas do 11 ano regular e profissional.
11th form
Comprehension: Test three will include a text on marketing directed to teenage girls. The teacher will provide some more information on this issue, along the following lessons. Here goes a short excerpt of the selected text
Often, teenage girls are marketed to with movie or music stars that are much older than they are and often portrayed in ways that are sometimes overtly sexual or just more adult. While using prominent stars is appealing, it doesn't always ring true. It is okay to include some older stars (teens like to feel more adult), but also include some things that still have a teenage feel to them. Find a balance.
Structure: Causative use of “to have”; Third conditional; Inversion if the subject.
Production: teens and marketing; strategies to magnetize teenagers: types of advertising; Publicity on TV - pros and cons.
11th form professional (and regular)
Please, study the following issues:
A- Word Formation (SUFFIXES)
1. Building adjectives with suffixes: -less, -ful, –able/–ible, –y
Meaning (significado dos sufixos): –less (sem, menos); –ful (com, dotado de, cheio de); –able/-ible (dotado de, merecedor de, capaz); –y (qualidade, com, dotado de). Examples: careless (care=cuidado)+ less (sem) = sem cuidado= descuidado; careful (ful = com) = com cuidado = cuidadoso; reasonable (reason = razão) + able (dotado de) = com razão, razoável; comfortable (comfort =conforto + able = dotado de) dotado de conforto = confortável; responsible (response – rsponder + ible=capaz = que pode responder por = respnsável).
Examples of some adjectives using given suffixes: useful (útil); useless (inútil); sunny (ensolarado, solarengo); harmful (nocivo); harmless (inofensivo); lucky (com sorte, sortudo); valuable (valioso, valoroso); accessible (acessível).
2. Suffix –ish (Este sufixo significa qualidade ou defeito, característica, semelhança). Examples: Spanish (from Spain); reddish (avermelhado); yelowish (amarelado); greenish (esverdeado); bluish (azulado); selfish (egoísta)
1. BUILD ADJECTIVES, by adding suitable suffixes to the given nouns:
care | horror | ||
value | care (no) | ||
yellow | access | ||
dust | sleep | ||
sense (no) | anger | ||
end (no) | wash |
1. “She’ll spend hours at the supermarket! She has an ________________________ list of things to buy there!”
2. “One of these days I’m going to get really _________________________ at George. He’s always hiding my schoolbag.”
3. “Please, be _________________________with my glasses. If you break them, I won’t be able to correct the tests tonight!”
4. “I only buy clothes for my children that are machine _________________________.”
5. “I have a ________________________ feeling that he lied to me. But I’ll soon find out!”
7. “The curtains are so old. I hate that ____________________ tinge.”
8. “Jesus, Diana, you’re such a _______________________ driver! You almost killed that woman!”
9. “He made a _______________________ contribution! Without his help, we wouldn’t have made it.
B- Word Formation (PREFIXES)
Notice: The following prefixes mean oppositition, negation:
im- (antes de palavras começadoas por M) in- il- (antes de palavras começadas por L ) ir- (antes de palavras começadas por R) un- dis- |
1. Add suitable prefixes (from the above box) to the following adjectives in order to produce their opponents.
1. ___legal | 11. ___countable |
2. ___pleased | 12. ___responsible |
3. ___moral | 13. ___graced |
4. ___jointed | 14. ___fair |
5. ___correct | 15. ___polite |
6. ___happy | 16. ___logical |
7. ___legible | 17. ___mature |
8. ___regular | 18. ___continued |
9. ___connected | 19. ___tolerant |
10. ___literate | 20. ___proper |
2. Notice the following adjectives: PRACTICAL PRECISE LOGICAL OFFENSIVE REVERSIBLE STABLE LEGITIMATE RELEVANT. Then, add these adjectives a suitable prefix in order to complete the following sentences:
1. I don’t believe you! She’s such a shy, __________________ woman. She couldn’t possibly have done it!
2. It would be _______________to call her every time the baby doesn’t want to eat.
3. Her arguments don’t make sense. They’re completely _______________.
4. John spent the whole class making _____________________ remarks. I wish the teacher would have shut him up.
5. He was very ______________. He could have had a better grade if he had been more accurate.
6. They are always calling him names. They say he’s an ______________ son. His parents are married to someone else.
7. The accident caused him ____________
brain damage, I’m afraid.
8. I’m sorry. His medical condition is highly _________________.
C- Word Formation – Building NOUNS
3. Build NOUNS, by adding suitable suffices to the following words: (some of them may suffer some kind of transformation)
1. elegant | 2. discuss | 3. important |
4. develop | 5. excite | 6. obedient |
7. happy | 8. sad | 9. arrange |
10. live | 11. intelligent | 12. organise |
13. sign | 14. weak | 15. true |
16. educate | 17. dead | 18. adolescent |
(Main image from here)