I Francesco Vila / sixteen years old / Milan, Italy / Parents and sister / a student / Secondary School / Arts, Craft and Sports / to be a basketball player for a professional team
II 1E 2G 3A 4H 5C 6B 7D 8F
III 3.1. … as a housewife and a coffee shopper (coffee shop assistant/owner).
3.2. … his school is not far from his house.
3.3. … he takes a shower, gets dressed and has breakfast.
3.4. … twenty past one / five (5).
3.5. … because he wants to play for a professional basketball team
3.5. … to become a prime-minister.
IV 4.1. How old is he (Francesco? 4.2. What does his mother do? 4.3. Does his father work in a supermarket?
V Os seus melhores amigos são a Elia e o Terry. Ele não tem namorada e não está interessado em ninguém, em particular. Gosta de ir ao cinema, mas detesta falar de política. Costuma dizer que nunca vai ser o primeiro-ministro da Itália. Não gosta de guerra nem de violência e acredita que a sua geração vai ser mais pacífica.
VI 6.1. it 6.2. them 6.3. her 6.4. it 6.5. she
VII his her their our
VIII 8.1. doesn’t live 8.2. does he like…? 8.3. admires 8.4. qre
IX 9.1. …is taking… 9.2. … isn’t taking …. Is putting 9.3. Are…. going … ?
9.4. aren’t going … are walking… 9.5 …looking…
X a hospital an hour the president a university a yellow watch TV