Please, study the following issues:
A- Word Formation (SUFFIXES)
1. Building adjectives with suffixes: -less, -ful, –able/–ible, –y
Meaning (significado dos sufixos): –less (sem, menos); –ful (com, dotado de, cheio de); –able/-ible (dotado de, merecedor de, capaz); –y (qualidade, com, dotado de). Examples: careless (care=cuidado)+ less (sem) = sem cuidado= descuidado; careful (ful = com) = com cuidado = cuidadoso; reasonable (reason = razão) + able (dotado de) = com razão, razoável; comfortable (comfort =conforto + able = dotado de) dotado de conforto = confortável; responsible (response – rsponder + ible=capaz = que pode responder por = respnsável).
Examples of some adjectives using given suffixes: useful (útil); useless (inútil); sunny (ensolarado, solarengo); harmful (nocivo); harmless (inofensivo); lucky (com sorte, sortudo); valuable (valioso, valoroso); accessible (acessível).
2. Suffix –ish (Este sufixo significa qualidade ou defeito, característica, semelhança). Examples: Spanish (from Spain); reddish (avermelhado); yelowish (amarelado); greenish (esverdeado); bluish (azulado); selfish (egoísta)
1. BUILD ADJECTIVES, by adding suitable suffixes to the given nouns:
care | | horror | |
value | | care (no) | |
yellow | | access | |
dust | | sleep | |
sense (no) | | anger | |
end (no) | | wash | |
1. “She’ll spend hours at the supermarket! She has an ________________________ list of things to buy there!”
2. “One of these days I’m going to get really _________________________ at George. He’s always hiding my schoolbag.”
3. “Please, be _________________________with my glasses. If you break them, I won’t be able to correct the tests tonight!”
4. “I only buy clothes for my children that are machine _________________________.”
5. “I have a ________________________ feeling that he lied to me. But I’ll soon find out!”
7. “The curtains are so old. I hate that ____________________ tinge.”
8. “Jesus, Diana, you’re such a _______________________ driver! You almost killed that woman!”
9. “He made a _______________________ contribution! Without his help, we wouldn’t have made it.
B- Word Formation (PREFIXES)
Notice: The following prefixes mean oppositition, negation:
im- (antes de palavras começadoas por M) in- il- (antes de palavras começadas por L ) ir- (antes de palavras começadas por R) un- dis- |
1. Add suitable prefixes (from the above box) to the following adjectives in order to produce their opponents.
1. ___legal | 11. ___countable |
2. ___pleased | 12. ___responsible |
3. ___moral | 13. ___graced |
4. ___jointed | 14. ___fair |
5. ___correct | 15. ___polite |
6. ___happy | 16. ___logical |
7. ___legible | 17. ___mature |
8. ___regular | 18. ___continued |
9. ___connected | 19. ___tolerant |
10. ___literate | 20. ___proper |
2. Notice the following adjectives: PRACTICAL PRECISE LOGICAL OFFENSIVE REVERSIBLE STABLE LEGITIMATE RELEVANT. Then, add these adjectives a suitable prefix in order to complete the following sentences:
1. I don’t believe you! She’s such a shy, __________________ woman. She couldn’t possibly have done it!
2. It would be _______________to call her every time the baby doesn’t want to eat.
3. Her arguments don’t make sense. They’re completely _______________.
4. John spent the whole class making _____________________ remarks. I wish the teacher would have shut him up.
5. He was very ______________. He could have had a better grade if he had been more accurate.
6. They are always calling him names. They say he’s an ______________ son. His parents are married to someone else.
7. The accident caused him ____________
brain damage, I’m afraid.
8. I’m sorry. His medical condition is highly _________________.
C- Word Formation – Building NOUNS
3. Build NOUNS, by adding suitable suffices to the following words: (some of them may suffer some kind of transformation)
1. elegant | 2. discuss | 3. important |
4. develop | 5. excite | 6. obedient |
7. happy | 8. sad | 9. arrange |
10. live | 11. intelligent | 12. organise |
13. sign | 14. weak | 15. true |
16. educate | 17. dead | 18. adolescent |
(Main image from here)